Accessing CI Virtual Labs and Desktops via RDP
Accessing CI Virtual Labs and Desktops via web browser is the simplest way to connect to campus resources; however, you may experience connection issues from time to time. Alternatively, you can utilize a remote desktop protocol (RDP) client session to connect to CI's remote desktops and labs.
Below are instructions on how to connect to these remote resources using an RDP client.
1. Install the Windows Desktop client
Choose the client software that matches the version of Windows on your computer:
Watch our "self-paced video guide" or follow the installation instructions to install the client for the current user. Installation of this client doesn't require administrator rights, however, your assigned User Services technician can install and configure the client for you so that all users on the device may access it.
2. Subscribe to a feed
To subscribe to a feed:
- Open the Windows Desktop client.
- Select Subscribe on the main page to connect to the service and retrieve your resources.
- Sign in with your CSUCI user name and password when prompted.

After you have successfully signed in, you should see a list of the resources you can access.

You can launch resources by one of two methods.
- From the client's main page, double-click a resource to launch it.
- Launch a resource as you normally would other apps from the Start Menu.
- You can also search for the apps in the search bar.
Once installed, the RDP client may be launched from the Windows Start menu by searching for Remote Desktop.
Once subscribed to a feed, the content of the feed is updated automatically on a regular basis. Resources may be added, changed, or removed based on changes made by your administrator.
1. Install the Android client
To get started, download and install the client on your Android device.
2. Subscribe to a feed
To subscribe to a feed:
- In the Connection Center, tap +, and then tap Remote Resource Feed.
- Enter the feed URL into the Feed URL field. The feed URL can be either a URL or an email address.
- If you use a URL, enter the following address:
- To use email, enter your email address. This tells the client to search for a URL associated with your email address.
- Tap NEXT.
- Provide your credentials when prompted.
- For User name, give the user name with permission to access resources.
- For Password, give the password associated with the user name.
After subscribing, the Connection Center should display the remote resources.
Once subscribed to a feed, the feed's content will update automatically on a regular basis. Resources may be added, changed, or removed based on changes made by your administrator.
1. Install the macOS client
To get started, download and install the client on your macOS device.
Add a Workspace
To add a Workspace:
Select Add Workspace on the main page to connect to the service and retrieve your resources.

The workspace URL can be either a URL or an email address.
Enter the workspace URL into the Workspace URL field and click Add.
- If you use a URL, enter the following address:
- To use email, enter your email address. This tells the client to search for a URL associated with your email address.

Sign in to the CSUCI environment using your email address and click Next.

Log into the myCI prompt using your myCI credential.

After you've signed in, you should see a list of available resources.

Double-click on the resource you best align with (i.e. Art Lab, Student Lab or Staff VDI) and enter your myCI credentials again.

You are now connected to your remote desktop where you may access any CI resources you normally would at your office computer.

Once you've subscribed to a feed, the feed's content will update automatically on a regular basis. Resources may be added, changed, or removed based on changes made by your administrator.
1. Install the iOS client
To get started, download and install the client on your iOS device.
2. Subscribe to a feed
To subscribe to a feed:
- In the Connection Center, tap +, and then tap Add Workspace.
- Enter the feed URL into the Feed URL field. The feed URL can be either a URL or an email address.
- If you use a URL, enter the following address:
- To use email, enter your email address. This tells the client to search for a URL associated with your email address.
- Tap Next.
- Provide your credentials when prompted.
- For User name, give the user name with permission to access resources.
- For Password, give the password associated with the user name.
- You may also be prompted to provide additional factors if your admin configured authentication that way.
- Tap Save.
After this, the Connection Center should display the remote resources.
Once subscribed to a feed, the feed's content will update automatically on a regular basis. Resources may be added, changed, or removed based on changes made by your administrator.