New to CI? 11 technology tips for new CSUCI students


Ten tips for new students to learn about technology tools & services at CSUCI


Services for Students

Activate your Dolphin Account: Do this first, if you haven’t done it already. Once your account is enabled, you can login to myCI to access CI Records (for your class schedule & grades), CI Learn (for your classes) and Dolphin Email.

Get the goCI mobile app: Get this free app for quick and easy access to maps, campus directory, dining locations, event information, and much more! Learn more about goCI

Get free campus wireless Internet access:  Configure your laptop or mobile device to access campus wireless. You can also configure your gaming console to access the network.

Access your Dolphin Email: Just logon to myCI and you can send and receive email to your students & instructors.

Get to know myCI: It’s your one-stop shop to access CI Learn (for your classes), CI Records (for class registration & grades), Dolphin Email, CI Docs (Google Docs @ CSUCI for accessing your files from home) and much more. Login to myCI now.

Find computer labs: There are two open computer labs in Broome Library, where you can use popular software and print documents. Learn more about the labslab hours, how to logon in labs, and printing in labs.

Get help with your computer: If you need help with your computer or campus software, just contact the ITS Help Desk or bring it in to the ITS Help Desk's Service Desk in Broome Library 1350. Our knowledgeable ITS Help Desk team is happy to help!

Reset your Dolphin password: You can reset your Dolphin password.

Update your emergency contact info in myCI: Login to myCI and update your CSUCI Alert settings, to ensure that you receive the latest emergency messages from the University.

Contact other students: You can find email addresses of other students in the Campus Directory. You can also opt-out of the directory in myCI (in the "Hi, NAME" account dropdown menu).

Learn how to use popular software: Self-paced, video-based training to help you learn Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite, SPSS, and hundreds of other subjects is available through via myCI. Learn more about free video-based training.



Article ID: 58325
Fri 7/27/18 2:52 AM
Tue 5/21/24 12:51 PM