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Services or Offerings?
Request assistance with digital storage technologies such as DropBox, OneDrive, or Google Drive.

Request assistance with remote access such as GlobalProtect (VPN) or the CI Virtual Lab (VDI)

Wireless networking allows CI faculty, staff, students, and sponsored visitors to access resources securely from various locations in the campus.

Get help connecting to the campus WiFi network.

This service is offered to members of the Division of Academic Affairs. For data requests in other divisions, please contact the appropriate Institutional Research Analyst by visiting the following website-

Submit Request for a different digital storage medium supported at CSUCI such as network drive storage (eg: G Drive / groupshares) or Google Drive.

Access group network shares (such as “G Drive”) remotely. Access keyserved campus software remotely

Use this service offering to request updates to staff and faculty account access, such as access to groupshares, FIM groups, or PeopleSoft modules.

Use this service offering to request assistance with connecting to campus WiFi (CI, CI_GUEST, or EduRoam).

Access campus software remotely.

Use this service offering to get help with Dropbox