Search59 Results

Services or Offerings?
Purchase standard IT equipment, products or services

Report a fraudulent email, spam, or phishing scam.

Request ITS support with local desktop and network printers and scanners.

Request assistance with Faculty or Staff accounts, such as updating access to groupshares or requesting FIM/MIM updates.

Use this service to request assistance with digital signage

Use this service to request relocation of Cisco phones.

Purchase non-standard (custom) IT equipment, hardware, software and services

Faculty, Staff, and University organizations can get help with keeping their Web content up to date and accessible as well as request Web training or the creation of short URLs.

Students, faculty and staff can obtain substantially discounted (or free) software licenses for personal use.

Request other assistance related to IT project management.

Report information security questions or issues such as receipt of phishing emails or requests for malware scans.

Use this service to request assistance with optimizing CSUCI webpages in the CSUCI web search results.

Use this service to request to borrow laptops for Faculty, Staff, and Student Employees. Students are advised to visit Broome Library to check out laptops for academic purposes.

Get help if you are having problems logging into a campus computer/device or having problems accessing myCI because of Duo or other reasons.

Learn where to go to set up an account, add funds, gain access to Pharos Printers/Copiers, view account balance, and request help.