How IT project requests are reviewed & approved

The total timeframe from when a project request is submitted to when a final decision will be made by the department of Information Technology Services (ITS) typically takes 4-6 weeks for minor projects, and up to 6 months for major projects. 

Minor Project Review & Approval

When a project request is submitted it results in an email being sent to the ITS Project Coordinator. The Project Coordinator has 1-2 business days to read the request and assign it to a ITS manager. This assignment triggers another email notification to the assigned ITS manager. The ITS manager then reviews and updates the following ten items:

  1. First they identify the IT strategic goals that the proposed project supports.
  2. They classify the project as a new service, upgrade, or research project. (shows up under Classification section)
  3. They identify project requirements (in the Requirements section).
  4. They clarify whether or not the project should be categorized as a chargeback.
  5. They identify project deliverables and clear measurements for success.
  6. They identify the university goals which support the project request.
  7. They estimate the ITS roles required to complete the project and estimate hours for each role.
  8. They assess the request’s complexity, impact and urgency by completing what ITS refers to as a Score Card.
  9. They identify project stakeholders.
  10. They review the proposed start date and go-live date, and may re-negotiate these with the requester. 

Once the information is complete, the ITS manager decides whether it is feasible to complete the minor project within the defined parameter. 

Once a ITS manager approves the minor project request and assigns staff, the project request becomes an active project! This is important, because it means that the request will disappear from the “Project Requests” section of TeamDynamix and instead appear in the “Projects” section.

Major Project Review & Approval

Major projects may be submitted bi-annually for review by each assigned Division Project Coordinator in accordance with the ITS Business Practice BP.00.011 - Business Practice for IT Project and Procurement Governance

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