Service Catalog

Categories (11)

Report an Issue

Use services within this category to submit tickets for things that are broken and require IT Services to fix them.

Accounts and Access

Password resets, locked accounts, & new/updated account requests. This includes myCI, Windows, and group share access.

Teaching & Learning Support

Support for course design, CI Learn (Canvas), Zoom, Sharestream, CI Keys, and other instructional technologies.

Computer Hardware & Accessories

Support with computers/laptops, IT accessories, AV equipment, monitors, projectors, televisions, digital signage equipment, printers & copiers, tablets, iPads, hot spots, and loaner laptops.


Telephone & Voicemail

Landline telephone and voicemail service

Software & Applications

Get help with campus software and applications.

Network and Connectivity

CI's network, WiFi, VPN and more

Email & Calendars

This category offers IT services and support with employee and student email, and employee calendaring.

IT Projects & Purchases

Start here to purchase standard & custom hardware & software, learn about ITS Project Management, submit an ITS project request or request for change (ITS only), and learn how students can purchase software,

Web Services

Request website content updates and upgrades, accessibility assistance, search engine optimization, and more.

Information Security

Authentication, virus protection, encryption, data security, identity management solutions, information risk management, emergency preparedness, audit and monitoring systems, privacy impact assessments; data access and stewardship.