How to print from CI campus computers

Student and Employee Printing Cheat Sheets (in PDF format)

To print from a CI campus computer (Windows and Mac):

  1. From your software, choose "Print" and select one of the following printers from the list:
    • Pharos HP Printer - CI
    • Pharos HP Printer - Guest
  2. Next, go to the printer, and press the “Print Release” button on the printer display.
  3. Swipe your “DolphinOne” CI card or “DolphinOne” guest card.
  4. Select “Charge to Personal Account” and “OK”
    NOTE:For Staff/Faculty, select your “Cost Center” and “OK”
  5. Choose your print job on the display. Click “Print” to print one item, or “Print All” to print all.
  6. Press the “Home” icon to return to the home screen, the press “Sign Out”

To print in color from a CI campus computer (Windows):

  1. Open Start menu.
  2. Open Devices and Printers.
  3. Right click on:
    • Pharos HP Printer – CI
    • Pharos HP Printer – Guest
  4. Select Printer Preferences
  5. From the “Color” tab, uncheck “Print to Grayscale” and “OK”
  6. Print document
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