Adobe Creative Cloud - For Students

Tags Adobe

For Students

How do I use Adobe Creative Cloud on a lab or classroom computer? 

  1. Click on the tray icon (as seen in the screenshot below) or desktop icon to launch Adobe CC.
  2. Then you’ll see the Adobe login page. For user name, students should enter their Dolphin Email address login (ending in  Once you move your cursor to the password field, it will take you to login through myCI.
    Adobe cloud login page
  3. Select Company or School Account if prompted 

  4.  Login to myCI with your Dolphin Name and password.

  5. Complete the two factor authentication to complete Dolphin sign in. 

  6. Now you are logged into Adobe and you can start using Adobe applications. 


How can I install Adobe Creative Cloud on my personally-owned home computer? 

Students can purchase a yearly subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud (CC) using the CSUCI OnTheHub web store (powered by Kivuto). Once you complete your purchase through Kivuto, you will be provided a link and instructions on how to download and install Adobe CC.


Who can I contact if I need assistance?

Please contact the ITS Help Desk


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