What is a Duo Key Fob or Hardware Token?

The preferred method for 2-factor authentication is to use a smartphone or a tablet with the Duo Mobile App. A Duo OTP key fob or hardware token (or token), which is a small device that you can attach to your key chain, can also be used. If you have a Duo key fob or token, when you go to log in, you will be expected to enter in a code that appears on your key fob or token to complete the login process.

CSUCI currently does not support the use of U2F keys.

Students may pick up a Duo OTP key fob /token by visiting the CSUCI ITS Helpdesk in the Broome Library, room 1350.


Need more help?

Submit a service request with the ITS Helpdesk for assistance with Duo tokens.

Contact ITS Information Security at infosec@csuci.edu.

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