Qualtrics Web Forms & Surveys


Qualtrics is a simple and intuitive web-based form tool that allows you to easily create and manage forms for a variety of uses, including event registrations, academic research, satisfaction surveys, evaluations, student/faculty elections, online forms, and much more. 

Available to

Students, faculty, staff


  • 100+ question types
  • Drag-and-drop fields to create web-based forms & surveys
  • Ability to embed data and branch questions
  • Display logic and quotas
  • Automated email notifications (email triggers upon form submission or other form actions)
  • Download result data to Excel
  • Web-based reporting console

Getting Started

Before you activate and distribute your first survey or form in Qualtrics

If you are publishing a survey which will be sent to 10% or more students, faculty, staff or alumni: please contact Institutional Research to discuss survey scheduling. Visit the Institutional Research page for more information. 

If your survey involves research on human subjects: Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval may be necessary prior to survey distribution. Contact the Institutional Review Board to determine if the IRB approval is required to publish your survey, or whether you qualify for an IRB exemption. Typically surveys that are used internally for program/organizational improvement and whose results will not be published are qualified for IRB exemption; however, only IRB can make that determination.

If you are gathering sensitive or confidential information in your form or survey: please review the CSU policy on Information Asset Management for more details about appropriate data gathering & storage practices using Qualtrics. Users of Qualtrics must comply with Information Technology Services (ITS) business practices, CSU policy, and state and federal laws regarding proper gathering, storage, usage and disposal of confidential and sensitive data.  

Activate your Qualtrics account

The first time you login to Qualtrics, an account will automatically be created for you. 

Login to Qualtrics (myCI login required)

Learn to use Qualtrics

Qualtrics has an extensive online training library.

Start learning how to use Qualtrics

Questions? Need Help?

First, please review the Qualtrics "Getting Started" site for answers to frequently asked questions.

If you are unable to find an answer on the Qualtrics support site and require further technical support, click the "Request Help with Qualtrics" button to submit a service request.

Qualtrics Login Request Help with Qualtrics

Service Offerings (2)

Qualtrics Login
Use this shortcut to log in to the Qualtrics platform.
Request Help with Qualtrics
Use this service offering to request assistance with Qualtrics.

Attachments (0)

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