Request Help with Wifi Access


CI is serviced by over 1,000 wireless access points dispersed across the campus, which provide coverage for major campus facilities. The CI network provides secure Internet access, and access to network printers and shared drives.

There are three wireless networks at CI:

  1. CI
  3. eduroam

All three are available and visible when connecting a computer or other device via a wireless connection.

Available to

Students, Faculty, Staff, Campus Organizations, Guests


High-speed wireless internet access for laptops and mobile devices across most campus areas.Three wireless networks are available (CI, CI_GUEST, and eduroam)


802.11n, 802.11g or 802.11b wireless network support your laptop or mobile device (via built-in or external wireless card)
CI requires a Dolphin Name and Dolphin Password.

eduroam requires a username and password from your participating campus. Often your username is your email address (e.g., and your password is the same password you use at your institution. 

Getting Started

  1. Use the "Request Service" button on this page to request wireless configuration help.
  2. Learn more about wireless access at CI and for CI Travelers
Request Service

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