Wired Network Connections


Wired network connectivity provides users with reliable, secure, high-speed access to the Internet and to campus network resources. Cost varies depending on equipment and service. Network connections in previously unserved locations may incur additional costs.

The Infrastructure team in the department of Information Technology Services (ITS) can help you:

  • Install and activate a new wired network connection
  • Move or disconnect an existing wired network connection
  • Troubleshoot and repair problems with existing network connections

Available to

Faculty, staff, Campus organizations

Getting Started

  1. To request assistance with an existing wired connection, click the "Request Help with Wired Connection" button.
  2. To request a new wired connection, click the "Request New Wired Connection" button.
Request Help with Wired Connection Request New Wired Connection

Service Offerings (2)

Request Help with Wired Connection
Use this service offering to request help with existing wired connections and connectivity issues with devices connected via Ethernet.
Request New Wired Connection
Request installation/activation, moves, or disconnection of a new wired network connection, and report a problem or request repair for an existing wired network connection.

Attachments (0)

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