Digital Signage


CSUCI is implementing a centrally-managed digital signage system to facilitate campus communication, message consistency and quality for all locations which use television screens for digital signage. 

Available to

Campus organizations, Auxiliary organizations

Getting Started

  1. Use the "Request Estimate" button on this page to start the digital signage site survey process and begin digital signage procurement.
  2. Use the "Request Installation" button on this page to start step 2-of-2 for your digital signage installation.
Request Estimate Request Installation

Service Offerings (2)

Request Estimate
Complete step 1 to plan for installation of a TV screen & corresponding equipment to get connected to CSUCI's digital signage system.
Request Installation
Step 2 of 2 of the digital signage process facilitates purchase and installation of the equipment

Attachments (0)

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