Legal Name Change


Previous or current employees may request legal name changes. Name changes may affect public directory records. (Note: Changing or adding a preferred name does not change your primary/legal name - see the Additional Resources section for preferred name changes) 


Required to furnish an updated social security card and in some situations, court documents showing the new name. 


Legal Name: 

  • Complete applicable fields on the Employee Action Request Form and Personal Data Form. Enter CSUCI employee ID instead of the social security number (SSN). 
  • Human Resources will contact you to schedule an appointment where you will present your social security card. DO NOT ATTACH Social Security Number or copy of your card to this service ticket.


The following forms are located under the Attachment section in the lower right corner of this service page.

  • Employee Action Request
  • Personal Data Form

Use the "Submit HR Ticket" button to begin your request. Please remember to complete and attach your forms to your ticket. DO NOT ATTACH OR REFER TO YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER in this ticket.

Additional Resources:

Preferred Name Change service