CalPERS Dependent Re-Verification


Dependent Re-verification (DRV) is the process of re-verifying the eligibility of your spouse, domestic partner, children, stepchildren, and domestic partner children (family members) enrolled for state health and dental benefits. Government Code section 22843.1 mandates re-verifying the eligibility of your family members. Government Code section 22959 authorizes extending this review to your family members enrolled for dental benefits. 

  • The eligibility of your family members will be re-verified once every three years. The re-verification period is based on your birth month. Employees born during the following months are required to re-verify family members during 2021: January, April, July and October. 


  • Sixty (60) calendar days before your birth month, CalPERS will send you a letter providing the re-verification due date, listing the enrolled family members for re-verification and the acceptable re-verification documents 
  •  You are to promptly provide re-verification documents to your campus benefit office. The benefit office will re-verify the same family members for dental benefits, if enrolled. 
  • Provide copies of the re-verification documents and write “Not for Official Use” and omit social security numbers 
  • Use the "Submit HR Ticket" button to send your re-verification document electronically to an HR representative for review.
  • DO NOT ATTACH Social Security Number to this service ticket. 

Delay in providing re-verification documents to your benefit office may result in your family members losing health and/or dental coverage. 


The Dependent Verification Affidavit is located under Attachments in the lower right corner of this page.

Related Resources

Acceptable Re-Verification Documents 

Submit HR Ticket


Service ID: 50161
Thu 4/29/21 12:04 PM
Wed 5/26/21 1:31 PM