Ekho Your Heart & Disaster Relief Programs

The CSUCI Ekho Your Heart Program is a special fund that was established within the CSUCI Foundation, and is designed to provide assistance to employees experiencing a temporary hardship. The program may help with food and/or other necessities for CSUCI employees. Awards are granted on a case-by-case basis.

Disaster Relief Fund

A special disaster relief fund has been established under the Ekho Your Heart Program to assist CSUCI students, staff, and faculty recovering from disasters such as the 2018 Hill Fire or Woolsey Fire, as well as other disasters that may affect members of the campus community. This fund has been established to help provide basic necessities to those with the greatest need.

To learn more about the Disaster Relief Fund and apply for assistance, review and complete the Ekho Your Heart Application


Employees can apply for assistance through the Ekho Your Heart Program by following these steps:

  1. Complete an application


Other Forms of Assistance Available

The CSUCI Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is also available to offer other (nonā€financial) forms of assistance during difficult times. The toll-free number is (800) 234-5465 or visit www.liveandworkwell.com and use the following access code: csuci1. Counselors are available 24/7 for assistance and can provide referrals for local counselors. Additional information and EAP pamphlets are available at Human Resources, located in Lindero Hall, or call (805) 437-8490.


Anyone wishing to contribute to this fund may do so by going to https://www.csuci.edu/giving/causes/support/fire-relief-fund.htm.

Program Criteria

  • Applicants to the General Ekho Your Heart Fund must be CSUCI or Auxiliary employees. Applicants to the Disaster Relief Fund may be either employees or students.
  • The hardship must be the result of a temporary situation. This is defined as an acute financial setback as the result of a specific event (e.g. natural disaster, acute illness, death of immediate family members, etc.).

Selection and Awards

The Ekho Your Heart Committee will meet as needed to review applications and recommend to the President those selected to receive funding.

Awards will be granted on a case-by-case basis. Unless otherwise noted, awards are considered to be subject to income tax.


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Service ID: 50260
Wed 5/19/21 3:51 PM
Wed 5/26/21 1:33 PM