Create Short URL


  • Make it easier for your visitors. It’s clumsy to retype a long URL from a print ad into a web browser.
  • Make it easier for you. Have you ever made a typo in an email or print document and wished you could change it? Long URLs in print are clumsy to maintain. Now you can with
  • Keep your URLs forever. Shortcuts created in the service will never disappear.
  • Change the shortcut destination. If your web site ever moves to a new location, you can edit the destination URL of any shortcut, ensuring a seamless experience for your visitors.

Guidelines for Using Short URLs

All shortcut URLs should:

  • Link to a web site on the domain – links to external domains are prohibited; exceptions may apply
  • Link to relatively permanent web sites– if the web site won’t be around for 18 months, it probably doesn’t qualify
  • Typically point to the home page for a department or organization
  • Typically point to a directory (folder), not to specific pages
  • Be short but meaningful: “careers” is good; “fifthtechnologysymposium” is not; acronyms may be acceptable
  • Only point web pages; non-HTML files (PDF, Word documents, Excel, etc) are prohibited as destinations
  • Not contain special characters - no *, $, #, underscores, or other special characters. If required, a dash ( - ) may be used.

All URLs will be reviewed and approved by Web Services team prior to launch.

Getting Started

Use the "Create Short URL" button to begin. For further information regarding short URLs, please refer to the About Short URL webpage.

Create Short URL

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