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Resolve Outlook Issues where end users are reporting:
Missing shared calendar events.
• Moved shared calendar events reverting back to where they original we scheduled for.
• Deleted shared calendar event reappear randomly within the calendar.
• Duplicate calendar events appearing in the shared calendar.
Solution: Solution adjust the cached/uncached mode of the end users Microsoft Outlook Calendars.
Enable access to shared network drives on Mac
This article is about accessing OneDrive.
How to use Dropbox@CI
View video tutorials to learn to use Microsoft Teams
Frequently asked questions and how-to's for using Microsoft Teams
Using a Web Browser to access CSUCI's virtual labs and desktops.
What are some of the ITS Information Security guidelines for remote work?
Instructions on how to access voicemail via the Web interface.
Provides an overview of TeamViewer for remote support.
Information about the Google Chrome (build 80) issue with single-sign on
This article instructs users on how to configure DUO mobile on new devices if using the same phone number.
Article outlines steps used to connect to the CI and Eduroam networks on devices running Android 11.