Purchase CUSTOM (non-standard) IT Hardware, Software, or Services for CSUCI Business/Education Purposes

This service will assist you in procuring new IT equipment, products or services that are custom (non-standard). This includes any IT product, equipment or service which does not have a standard quote on the ITS Quotes page. 

Please visit the Request a Standard IT Procurement page for additional information on standard IT procurement requests, or to begin a standard IT procurement. 

Before You Begin

Please read the IT Purchasing page to familiarize yourself with the Custom IT Procurement process. If your IT procurement is over $5,000, or will require over 60 IT staff hours to install or complete, your procurement will require additional review & approval; please contact your Division Project Coordinator for further instructions. 

Getting Started

The following 2 items should be completed before clicking on the "Request Service" button so that they may be attached to the request.

  1. Ask the vendor to complete a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT), and return an electronic copy to you. (More information about the VPAT)
  2. Obtain an up-to-date quote and contract from the vendor.
    If the item is being procured from the CSU Chancellor's Office (CO), then you will need to obtain an electronic copy of the CO agreement with the campus. 

Use the "Request Service" button to complete the Custom IT Procurement request. After completing this form, the requester will receive an email from webmaster@csuci.edu titled "CSU Channel Islands - IT Procurement Impact Assessment". Use the link provided on the email to complete the ITPIA . This will ensure that it is automatically uploaded to the original request. During the accessibility review, ITS staff shall use the IT Procurement Impact Assessment to evaluate the risk and impact of the procurement on the campus community.

Need Help?

Click here to learn more about the IT procurement process at CSU Channel Islands

Request Service

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