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Services or Offerings?
Report issue or problem with any University owned software or application. This includes but is not limited to CI Learn, CI Personnel, CI Financials, CI Records, goCI, MS Office 365, or Zoom.

Submit a request to get help with configuring and/or troubleshooting software or applications on workstations, lab computers, classroom computers (both Windows and Macintosh), and/or other devices.

Purchase standard IT equipment, products or services

Purchase non-standard (custom) IT equipment, hardware, software and services

Students, faculty and staff can obtain substantially discounted (or free) software licenses for personal use.

Visit this service to get answers to your TeamDynamix questions.

Includes support of any system or application that CSUCI has not yet purchases and/or implemented.

Submit a request to get help with configuring and/or troubleshooting software or applications on workstations, lab computers, classroom computers, and/or other devices.

Get help with installing or downloading standard software/applications, like Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat and more.

Submit ticket to receive additional assistance from ITS with how to install and use goCI Mobile App