Remote Phone Service


The department of Information Technology Services provides call forwarding and Cisco Jabber phone services to employees and University organizations to efficiently answer campus extensions when working remotely.

Available to

Faculty, Staff, Campus Organizations


Ability to make and take calls from one's CSUCI issued extension without being physically located at one's CSUCI issued phone. 


Must have a CSUCI issued extension..


Included in the cost of the CSUCI phone service

Related Knowledge Base Articles

Campus Phone and Voicemail Instructions

Call Forwarding

Installing Jabber Client

Requesting Help

  1. To request help with forwarding a campus phone extension to another phone number, click the "Request Call Forwarding" button.
  2. To request creation of a Cisco Jabber account linked to a campus phone extension or extensions, click the "Request Jabber Account" button.
  3. To request help with installing the Cisco Jabber software client, click the "Request Jabber Client Installation" button.
  4. To request help with other remote phone service related issues, click the "Submit Miscellaneous Remote Phone Ticket" button.
Request Call Forwarding Request Jabber Account Request Jabber Client Installation Submit Miscellaneous Remote Phone Ticket

Service Offerings (4)

Request Call Forwarding
Use this service offering to request help with forwarding an office extension to a different extension, personal cell phone, or other phone.
Request Jabber Account
Use this service offering to request creation of a Jabber account.
Request Jabber Client Installation
Use this service offering to request help with the installation of the Jabber Client.
Submit Miscellaneous Remote Phone Ticket
Submit general ticket for remote phone assistance

Attachments (0)

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