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Services or Offerings?
Visit this service to get answers to your TeamDynamix questions.

Report a problem or request assistance with conference room technology.

Get help if you are having problems logging into a campus computer/device or having problems accessing myCI because of Duo or other reasons.

Use this service to report problems with digital signage. For example TV will not turn on or screen is frozen.

Request support with computer hardware and/or IT accessories.

Use this service to request assistance with classroom or conference room technology such as instructor workstations, projectors, smartboards, or Zoom kits.

Use this service to request content updates to myCI services.

Report issue with computer hardware and/or IT accessories, This includes computers, projectors, desktop printers, Pharos copier/printer/scanner, projectors, monitors, peripherals, and all other University owned IT hardware.

Faculty, Staff, and University organizations can get help with keeping their Web content up to date and accessible as well as request Web training or the creation of short URLs.

Report a problem or issue with your campus faculty/staff Exchange email, including Outlook and Outlook Web Access (OWA).

Report a problem with classroom technology. For example computer is not connected to the projector, or projector is not working. Instructor computer, mouse, monitor, sound, and/or classroom's computer software, etc. are not working.

Use this service if you are unable to log into myCI or a campus computer/device and it is very important that you have access as soon as possible.

Use this service to request relocation of Cisco phones.

Report issue with Faculty, Staff, or Dept/Group Calendars

Report issue/problem with Wifi and wired connections.