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Services or Offerings?
ITS provides quotes for computer hardware and software

Request a new GOVMotus/Cal Fire email address, or update access to an existing GovMotus/Cal Fire email

Report information security questions or issues such as receipt of phishing emails or requests for malware scans.

Use this service to request assistance with optimizing CSUCI webpages in the CSUCI web search results.

Use this service to request assistance with granting one or more guests with permissions to myCI and other CSUCI systems. Please submit requests at least 5 days in advance of a scheduled visit to campus.

Report issue or problem with any University owned software or application. This includes but is not limited to CI Learn, CI Personnel, CI Financials, CI Records, goCI, MS Office 365, or Zoom.

Submit a request to get help with configuring and/or troubleshooting software or applications on workstations, lab computers, classroom computers (both Windows and Macintosh), and/or other devices.

Learn how to view the status of your project request.

Get help with goCI, CSUCI's official mobile app for iOS, Android and

Get help if you are having problems logging into a campus computer/device or having problems accessing myCI because of Duo or other reasons.

Request a new web-based form, database and/or workflow system

Get help with installing or downloading standard software/applications, like Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat and more.

Use this service offering to request assistance with promoting your site. Apply key match criteria and increase visibility for your web page in the CSUCI search results.

Submit a request to get help with configuring and/or troubleshooting software or applications on workstations, lab computers, classroom computers, and/or other devices.

Request a new web-based form, database and/or workflow system