Search29 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request assistance with remote access such as GlobalProtect (VPN) or the CI Virtual Lab (VDI)

Get help with Common Management System (CMS)

Request a new web-based form, database and/or workflow system

Includes support of any system or application that CSUCI has not yet purchases and/or implemented.

Use this service to request assistance with granting one or more guests with permissions to myCI and other CSUCI systems. Please submit requests at least 5 days in advance of a scheduled visit to campus.

Visit this service to get answers to your TeamDynamix questions.

Report a fraudulent email, spam, or phishing scam.

This service is used to submit requests for help to the Enrollment Management Department at CI.

Report a problem or issue with your campus faculty/staff Exchange email, including Outlook and Outlook Web Access (OWA).

Report issue with Faculty, Staff, or Dept/Group Calendars

Use this service to request assistance with employee email.

Use this service to request assistance with digital signage

Request assistance with network connectivity in student housing.

Report issue with student email

Use this service to request assistance with Dolphin Email