Popular Services
Report a general HR question, non-emergent in nature. Please visit our HR Service Catalog to locate your service needs.
This process informs Human Resources of an upcoming separation.
Service offered to all current and previous employees of CSUCI to verify income and employment.
Job application inquiries, employment opportunities, application process and resources.
Support for duplicate, missing, corrected, or other W-2 Wage and Tax Statement questions
Service offers new hires information about benefit eligibility, summary of benefits, heads up about dates & deadlines, and offers a method for signing up to attend a Benefits Orientation.
Resources and support with Fidelity- NetBenefits (403(b)) and/or Savings Plus Program (401(k), 457)
Classification, Compensation, and Position Description Assistance
Request a password reset or report a problem with the online recruiting and application system.
Service offered to active employees and their supervisors who want a copy of their position description.
Use this service to change your legal name or preferred name at CSUCI.
This service can be used to request assistance with changing mailing addresses that CSUCI has on file.
Learn about the array of flexible healthcare plan options that best suits your needs.
Learn more about plans that allow you to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health and/or certain dependent care expenses on a pre-tax income basis.
Support with employee (Faculty, Staff, and MPP) professional development
If you are injured, tell your supervisor immediately. Then use this service to learn more about the worker's compensation process.
Resources for hiring managers and search committees. Assistance with creating, modifying and posting Position Descriptions. Instructions for how to access CHRS Recruiting.
Confidential support for challenges that employees face in their everyday lives. Beginning 8/1/2021 services will be provided by Empathia LifeMatters